Contact Info
As of June 15, 2017, ammobin.ca has been entirely funded out of pocket. It does not receive any kick backs from any retailer listed on this site for preferred placement or inclusion on the site. All images, CSS, and JavaScript is selfhosted within ammobin.ca. Ammobin.ca does not make use of cookies or 3rd party analytics. All tracking occurs using sendbeacon/ajax requests in order to maintain the operations of the site. If you would like to opt-out of tracking, please set your browsers Do Not Track (DNT) setting to true.
Incorrect Unit Costs
Since the start of Ammobin, unit costs have not been 100% correct. Part of this is due to retailers including blanks or multiple quantities in the title. Other times, ammobin-classifer parses other numbers in the title as the item count. Since Ammobin uses automated scraping, it is not possible to manually correct these errors (as much as it would be great to not have to see it).